13. Studentisches Figurentheaterfestival
16.00 Uhr
Opernprobebühne, Urbansplatz 2
Anna Lehotska
Viktiria Kasprik
Camilla Krause
Jakob Lenk
Anna-Maria Shawky
Zoé Bronner
Welcoming to the festival.
Small scenes from the puppet theatre course at the HMDK Stuttgart.
17.00 Uhr
Figurentheater Bühne, Urbansplatz 2 (1. Stock)
5 scenes of puppet theatre students from Bialystok
„Bies“ explores the theme of inner duality and the struggle in the human mind.
Material: Mask and Dress
“Bies” by Weronika Kozłowska
„Change“: When the world demands the permanent change from us, we still have our unchanging essence.
Material: Giant Fish
“Change” by Polina Kuzhelieva
„Inner me-something in the way“ is about this little part of me that wants to take control of my body and starts to live with its own life.
Material: Puppethead with Fabric corpus.
“Inner me – something in the way” by Rafał Przytocki
„Un certainty“
Why is it sometimes so hard for us to express how beautiful, intelligent, and talented we are? What affects our self-confidence? a story about the female power and its elusive duality.
Material: Mask
“Un-certainty” by Karolina Konicka
„The Ballad of Vanity”
What are we willing to sacrifice to regain beauty, youth and energy?What would happen if you could go back in time, and meet your young version from the past? Would you be able to let it free, or would you control it?
Material: Mask
“The Ballad of Vanity” by Michalina Krzemianowska
18.30 Uhr bis 20.00 Uhr
20.00 Uhr
Sprechkunstbühne, Urbanstraße 25, Seminarraum 8.11
„Indences“ by Lea Tafforeau and Everard France
Indecences is a puppet form of several scenes mixing the techniques of manipulation of table puppets, images, volumes and materials enlarged by the work of the camera at the table. without text.
Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium
20.45 Uhr
Figurentheaterbühne, Urbansplatz 2 (1. Stock)
„Doppelganger„– Joanna Houri
Across the face of the doppelganger, this play talks about these littles voices that arise in our head. We talk with them and without realizing it, they influence our daily lives, our actions and our relationships with people. Sometimes they reassure us, sometimes they paralyze us.
Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium
Party - Location will be revealed on request