Kick-off workshop

European Forum of Opera Institutes (EFOI)

25th and 26th November 2023

The European Forum of Opera Institutes initiates an international dialogue between European institutes for the training of opera singers. The forum will explore novel approaches to training opera singers, develop interdisciplinary and participatory course formats, and network training institutions and opera houses across Europe. It will thus drive innovation in the training of young opera singers in the 21st century.

A series of workshops, master classes and summer schools in Stuttgart and at the international partner institutes will identify common areas of interest and extensively explore novel approaches and projects, which will then be tested in depth and broadly assessed for future implementation.

The BWS plus project European Forum of Opera Institutes (EFOI) is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM programme for university students.

The inaugural workshop will focus on:
The Physiology of the Operatic Voice – Training Resilient, Healthy, Self-Reliant Singers in the 21st Century

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Richter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn (Freiburg Institute for Musicians' Medicine), Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchs (Leipzig University Hospital) and and the dramatic mezzo-soprano Tanja Ariane Baumgartner as well as faculty  and students from the six EFOI partner institutes from Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Belgium and Switzerland will meet from 25th and 26th. November at the HMDK Stuttgart (final dates and schedule available from the end of October here) for a practice-oriented exchange of ideas about the application of the latest scientific findings to the training of opera singers.   


(Chamber Music Hall – Level 3 in the main building of the HMDK)

10:00 Official Opening    
Welcome and Introduction, Heads of the Opernschule, Amy Yin (BW Foundation)

10:30 Lecture: Vocal Physiology - Its History and Raison d’ Être
Bernhard Richter

12:00 BREAK   

12:15 Interactive presentation: Vocal Hygiene
B. Richter & Claudia Spahn

13:45 LUNCH BREAK   

15:00 Interactive presentation: The Vocal Life Cycle
Richter & Claudia Spahn

16:30 BREAK   

16:45 Interactive presentation: Stage Fright and Psychological Factors in Vocal Health and Performance
Claudia Spahn



(Orchestra Rehearsal  Hall – Level 8 of the main building of the HMDK)

09:30 Introduction
Tanja Ariane Baumgartner & Michael Fuchs, Heads of the Opernschule

09:45 Lecture: 5 Pillars of Vocal Diagnostics
Michael Fuchs

10:45 BREAK

11:00 Discussion, Masterclass – Perception, Registers, Vocal Range Profile
Tanja Ariane Baumgartner & Michael Fuchs


14:00 Arbeit mit Studierenden – Measuring and Analyzing Vocal Data and Resonance Strategies
Michael Fuchs & Tanja Ariane Baumgartner

15:30 BREAK

15:45 Arbeit mit Studierenden – Acoustical Analyses and Resonance Strategies    
Tanja Ariane Baumgartner & Michael Fuchs