In order to study the musicology Master program at the University of Stuttgart, you require one of the following degrees: a Bachelor or comparable degree from a music college, a Bachelor or comparable degree in musicology from a university, or a state exam for school music.
We offer the musicology Master degree in two forms:
- Musicology with a minor field of study from the University
- Musicology/artistic subject with a minor field of study from the University
In the musicology master program with a minor from the University, the focus is set on working scientifically in the fields of musicology and humanities. You need to take two seminars in historical musicology, one seminar in systematic musicology and one seminar in source studies/ paleography. In your optional modules section you will find analysis and counterpoint modules as well as artistic practical modules like composition and conducting.
In the musicology/artistic subject master’s program with a minor from the University is a multiple emphasis: in addition to your scientific work in the fields of musicology and the humanities, you will have to study artistic professionalization. In musicology, you will take a seminar in each of the following: historical musicology, systematic musicology and source studies/ palaeography. In your optional modules section, you will find analysis and counterpoint modules as well as artistic practical modules like composition and conducting
This master program lays the foundation for an academic doctorate (Dr. phil) and artistic scientific research in musicology.
Modules run in the Humanities faculty at the University of Stuttgart are now available. Please read the respective module guidelines for details on pre-requisites. New students will find specific recommendations in the corresponding modules.
Hier geht es zu Modulbeschreibungen
Und hier geht es zu den Modulhandbüchern der Universität Stuttgart