We offer the following music courses of study:
A. Undergraduate Programs (First Cycle)
B. Postgraduate Programs (Second Cycle)
- More than 23 different two-year courses with a Master of Music degree
- Master Teaching Degree Program
- Master of Church Music A
- Master’s Degrees for professionals who wish to improve their qualifications.
C. Postgraduate Programs (Third Cycle)
- Concert exam/Stage exam
- Doctorate degree/ PhD (Dr. phil.)
- artistic-scientific doctorate degree (available soon)
The Bachelor of Music course enables you to study: all instrumental subjects (except accordion), singing, orchestral conducting, choral conducting, composition, music theory and elementary music pedagogy.
You can enroll for our postgraduate programs consecutively or non-consecutively. We offer an extensive range of postgraduate programs that currently exceeds that of the undergraduate programs.
Performing arts includes the following programs at the University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart:
A. Undergraduate Programs (First Cycle)
- Bachelor of Acting (Drama School)
- Bachelor of Speech Art / Speech Training
- Bachelor of Visual Theatre and Puppetry
B. Postgraduate Programs (Second Cycle)
- Master of Media Speaking
- Master of Rhetoric Communication
- Master of Speech Art
- Master Theory and Practice of Experimental Performance
Opera Master Program: please refer to music programs of study / Master of Music
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