Concerts and events

    Sa 30.09
    09:30 Uhr
    HMDK Stuttgart
    Eintritt frei

    13. Studentisches Figurentheaterfestival

    9.30 Uhr    
    Opernprobebühne, Urbansplatz 2

    top floor    
    Workshop with Clair Heggen

    12.30 Uhr      
    13.30 Uhr    
    Sprechkunstbühne, Urbanstraße 25, Seminarraum 8.11

    Waterfall - Zoé Meunier

    For this project, her work addresses our relationship to the living things and the meaning of making art in a context of environmental crisis.
    Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium

    14.00 Uhr    
    Figurentheaterbühne, Urbansplatz 2 (1. Stock)

    Sacrifice Zone - Sol Melnik

    In a grave, the soul of a young woman tries to reconstitute the events that caused the death of her body. Her story is that of a woman involved in social movements against pollution in the so-called sacrifice zones, in which nature and human bodies pay the cost of intensive industrial production. Mix half-body puppet, glove puppet and objects. Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium

    14.30 Uhr    
    Opernprobebühne, Urbansplatz 2

    top floor    
    Emilia und Teppei
    Masterperformance der HMDK

    How should we begin? What do we have to begin? Then what does it mean to begin? Is there something like a beginning of the beginning? We will look to leave a space to those moments that could touch a beginning.

    17.00 Uhr    
    Sprechkunstbühne, Urbanstraße 25, Seminarraum 8.11

    Too mad to be true - Kang Kang Deng

    Through the art of gestural theater, dance and puppetry, we will dive into the world of madness. We will question the line that separates normality from madness, the moment when we switch to this state. We will also explore the poetry of madness, the moments when it arises in our daily lives, in our most banal gestures. Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium

    17.30 Uhr    
    Schauspielabteilung, Urbanstraße 25
    see notice    

    Ich bin eine F****- Leonie Wegner

    Im patriarchalen System gefangen / sexualisiert von Kopf bis Fuß / ein Körper und ein Synthesizer

    18.00 Uhr    
    Figurentheaterbühne, Urbansplatz 2 (1. Stock)

    Happy Coach 3000 - Léa Tafforeau

    What are we and what do we want to be?
    "A woman orders, classifies and keep preciously every flake in her collection that contains fragments of life. Like elixirs, they allow her to live, relive experiences out of time." Between dreams and reality. Puppet forms mixing the techniques of half-body puppet, video projection and materials. Short piece from the puppetry master in Mons/Tournai, Belgium

    20.00 Uhr    
    FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater
    Eberhardstraße 61, Kulturareal „Unterm Turm“
    70173 Stuttgart    


    How many boundaries do you encounter in everyday life? Or how many boundaries do you carry within you? Have you ever thought that you can't belong on any side of the borders? Were there times when you had to mix immiscible boundaries? In a white room with a white neutral mask, where it seems impossible to orient herself, the player searches for a position with her body that absorbs the fusions.

    Concept, construction, play: Subi Lee
    Music: Zoey Jaeyeon Jo
    Supervision: Prof. Julika Mayer, Sylvia Wanke

    „Fisheye“ (WT)
    "The fish lives its world. Don't ask, don't interpret, don't think. (I think so.) It exists. Then he is fished by man. Man describes the fish. Until now, the fish would not have thought that it was as it was just described, but it had no other image of itself either. But now, seeing the man, he thinks. So - I'm thinking. So - the fish in my imagination is thinking."

    Director, Concept, Play: Nóra Vermes
    Text: Teppei Higuchi
    Artistic supervision: Prof. Julika Mayer

    „A regular Arrangement - eine Entdichtung nach Gertrude Stein“
    A blue coat, a table, red roses, a sound. Gertrude Stein describes and describes these and other objects in "Objects". In an attempt to translate back from text to image, some everyday objects find themselves in a coordinate system of threads and stones. They hang, sound, commute and become self-employed.

    Concept, construction, play: Jo Posenenske
    Outside eye: Franz Schrörs
    Artistic supervision: Prof. Stephanie Rinke
    Construction consultancy: Fabian Schrörs

    Don't open by Emil Fischer
    Something lives in the closet and fights its way free. What's lurking in the dark? In an interplay of light and sound, the audience is invited to immerse themselves in the unknown and confront old childhood fears. In a tribute to classic horror films, an old closet becomes a nightmare on stage.

    Game, Construction, Concept: Emil Fischer
    Artistic supervision: Prof. Florian Feisel

    Evas Apfel (WT) - of gender and other myths
    »Eva's Apple« deals with the gendering of myths. Starting from an operesque re-enactment of the fall of man, the performer embarks on a game with gender and the meaning of gender. An open-ended gender play.

    Concept, direction, play: Eva Mario Hasler
    Dramaturgy, director: Lotte Patzelt
    Artistic supervision: Prof. Stephanie Rinke